Department of Electrotherapy & Electrodiagnosis

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Head of Department

Aim :

To inoculate the electrotherapeutic approach for getting faster, finer results and hence it leads to healthy and pain-free life for patients.

Objectives :

  • To acquire the knowledge about the physiology of pain, Pain pathways & Methods of pain modulation, selection of appropriate modality for Pain modulations.
  • To describe the Physiological effects, Therapeutic uses, indication & contraindications of various Low/ Medium & High-Frequency modes / Actinotherapy
  • Describe the Physiological Effects & therapeutic uses of various therapeutic ions & topical pharmaco-therapeutic agents to be used for the application of iontophoresis & sono/ phonophoresis
  • To acquire the skills of application of the Electrotherapy modes on models, for the purpose of Assessment & Treatment.
  • To acquire an ability to select the appropriate mode as per the tissue-specific &area specific application.